Co-op Membership

Own a Grocery Store With Your Friends!

Bozeman Co-op Membership Agreement

Our Mission:  We provide food and goods, promote sustainable practices and follow co-op principles.

As a member of our Co-op, you will be an equal owner of our stores alongside a growing community of more than 20,000 member owners.

All members in good standing are equal co-owners of the Co-op and each share is held individually. All members are entitled to vote in our annual Board Election as well as receive the benefits of membership.

PAYMENT: A member share is $35/lifetime/person

I AGREE: By completing this agreement and making a payment, I hereby purchase a share in the Community Food Co-op (CFC), which entitles me to one vote and other benefits of membership, so  long as I remain a member in good standing. Terms of my membership include:

  1. Member cards are provided for my use and the use of my dependents.
  2. The success of the Community Food Co-op (CFC) depends on member participation, including providing the CFC with a current address.
  3. Upon notice, I may sell my member share back to the CFC. Shares are not transferrable.
  4. If my account is inactive as defined in the Bylaws, my membership may be terminated.
  5. Member Dividends are at the discretion of the BOD; only paid-in-full members are eligible to receive them.  I am liable for any taxes that may accrue in accordance with IRC Section 1385 for refunds I receive.
  6. I must abide by the Bylaws of the CFC, available at the Customer Service desk at Co-op West Main.
  7. The price of a member share and CFC policies may be changed by the Board of Directors (BoD) as the need arises.
  8. I may request a copy of this Membership Agreement for my records.

Bozeman Co-op Lifetime Membership Fee: $35